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Open the ice cream parlour of the future with us

Start your business with MGS Group

Group 11

Implementation superior technology

Top quality Italian technology for your business

50 years of experience in manufacturing Italian technology , tradition, experience, innovation with the times.

We offer company solutions:

Frigomat NEW LOGO Obrobione 2

Production equipment

Group 618
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Ready for implementation
solutions and concepts

Increase revenue by 100%

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Fresh ice cream Go to pageArrow
Group 5
Gelato panini Go to pageArrow
Group 5
Bubble Tea & Slush Go to pageArrow
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Pizza Pinsa Go to pageArrow
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Group 11 1

School of champions
ice cream and confectionery

MGS group zespol

Training provided by the best ice cream and confectionery masters from Poland and Italy

14CBD409 E643 40AD 9CD5 14DF3985995A 4 5005 c Enrico
MGS Katalog do internetu 15 1 Roberto
MGS Katalog do internetu 152 1 Nicola
IMG 0754 1 Erst
VOD szkolenie cukiernicze 4 1 Maciej
image 2 David
image 2 kopia 1 Krzysztof
IMG 0754 1 1 Joanna

Learn the secrets of the art of ice cream and confectionery - gain knowledge from outstanding trainers

Group 586

Our passion is to create excellent catering space

Design office and solutions tailored to your needs

Thanks to the module's customisability, our architects will adapt its appearance to the climate and character of your premises in an impressive way.


Unique design linked to the needs of your business

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Your partner in creation of
innovative ice cream parlours

Technology and know-how to provide you with a profitable and secure business

MGS Group's technology completely reimagines the production of the best artisanal ice cream.

Easy to implement and learn technological solutions, ready-made Italian recipes and full marketing support will ensure that from today you can open your own ice cream parlour of the future, build a competitive edge and achieve business success in your locality.

See live the capabilities of the GX range of fresh ice cream machines

Ice cream production in front of customers | Ice Cream Parlour of the Future | GX technology
Presentation of the Frigomat GX line | Witold Casetti | Alessio Andreini | Expo Sweet 2022
Szymon Sapieha | The capabilities of the Frigomat GX fresh ice cream machine | Expo Sweet 2022
Roberto Beria | Italian Gelato Master | Fresh Gelato Elixir | MGS Frigomat
Piatnica products in the production of fresh ice cream | Adam Rzewulski | Witold Casetti | Expo Sweet 2022
The way to always have fresh ice cream! Narrated by Witold Casetti and Arkadiusz Łukiński | MGS Frigomat

See our
examples of realizations

They trust us

Take advantage of a proven business and start making money

Fill in the form, we will contact you within 48 hours

Start your business from the MGS GROUP